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Ask about facial rejuvenation

Reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles


- Smoking habit: Smoking is one of the most common factors that cause wrinkles


- Makeup accumulates on the face and seeps into the pores of the skin and thus works to break down elastin and collagen.


- Exposure to sunlight: it affects collagen and leads to wrinkles, especially under the eyes


- Anxiety and stress


- Sleeping on the face



Tips for younger-looking skin without wrinkles


- Wash the face twice daily to maintain the skin's essential natural oils

- Use toner daily after washing the face

- Choose special anti-wrinkle products that contain exfoliants and collagen-rich creams that regenerate cells

- Always use sunscreen

- Use a moisturizing cream appropriate for the type of skin

- Avoid the smoking habit

- Eat fruits and nuts

- Drink plenty of water

- Adequate sleep at least 8 hours




There are four types of facial wrinkles


Deep fixed wrinkles


They are large, sunken lines on the face, such as around the eyes and on the neck, but they do not disappear when the skin is accidentally stretched. This means that the reason for its appearance is a permanent loss of elasticity in the skin



Fine fixed wrinkles


They are fine and sunken lines on the face and they are almost parallel to each other and they occur in different areas of the face such as around the eyes, mouth and body, and they are fixed, whether in the stillness of the facial muscles or with movement, but they disappear when the skin is accidentally stretched. This means that the reason for its appearance is a loss of elasticity in the skin and a loss of a layer of fat under the skin



Skin folds in the direction of gravity


As the name suggests, these lines are the effects of gravity and become increasingly apparent as the skin weakens and loses its elasticity and sagging with age. The location of these wrinkles is related to the thickness and nature of the skin. It appears on the forehead, cheek, cheekbones, and the lower corner of the mouth



Animated wrinkles


They are the wrinkles that appear with the movement of expressive facial muscles such as laughing or frowning, but in a still state they do not appear and are usually accompanied by many fine wrinkles and appear around the eyes or mouth or the skin fold between the cheek, upper lip and forehead





Facial rejuvenation treatments come in many forms, including:




Such as face lift with threads, chemical peels, laser and face injection with fillers, lipids or botox.

Suitable for the age before the fifties, and there is no sagging skin





Such as face and neck lift, endoscopic face lift, and eyelid lift

Suitable for advanced age with wrinkles and sagging skin


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